Kamis, 25 November 2010

The New Idol Chicken Serama

 Serama an animal creativity Wee Yean Een result of a "prince chicken" from the neighbor country. In 1971 he crossed the chicken When alias kate feet long with a race of the Modern Game Bantam chickens.
Chicken when he was selected because it has wings hanging straight down. While the Modern Game Bantam has a sturdy body posture, long neck and pulled back resembling the letter S. In 1973 Wee Yean Een first crossed offspring between chicken perkawina results when and Modern Game Bantam with chicken type of silk (Silkie Bantams). The marriage eventually led to a small body berpostur silk chicken. Wee Yean Een seems still not satisfied with the results of these crosses. Lords of the chicken and then match it with a descendant of the two Japanese kate. This chicken has a beautiful color and shape of tail feathers standing upright. In 1988 the matchmaker chicken chicken kate finally managed to score with a weight of less than 500 gr.
Wee Yean Een then gave the name "Serama" to the micro-bodied chicken. The nickname was given because he had chicken creation has a stylish and dashing looks like a puppet figure of Sri Rama in the Ramayana. Tongue Wee Yean Een called Sri Rama turned into Serama.
Chicken serama published in 1990 through the first contest that was held in Perlis. In the Wee Yean Een race featured as one of the judges. In addition to the chicken contest in Malaysia serama also widely held in Thailand. In Indonesia Serama start competed in 2004 in Ancol, Jakarta. Serama chicken fans gather in a container named Unity Conservation Serama Indonesian Chicken (P2ASI).
High lust Tiny Chicken
How to treat serama not difficult and not straightforward. Necessities of life just like free-range chicken. According to Ir. Rudiasfie Sjofinal breeder chickens in Jakarta serama this dwarf chicken is a bit difficult to breed. The size of the short leg causes males difficult to penetrate when they wanted to marry. As a result, the romance becomes intimate and often right on target.
Rudi often help males perched on top of chicken hens. Pengawinan technique is done by holding a hen and then placing the next stud. Condition, the bride and groom have to be really ready to marry. Female parent is ready to be married at the age of 5-6 months. Serama females usually behave like that if it held back squat. While childbearing age males ranging in ages 4 to 5 months.
Rudi also apply the technique of mating shifts. In this method the hens were forced to serve the 3 heads of males. Intermittent rotation is done around 2-3 hours. By way of such marriages are expected chances of success can be enlarged.
Although small body size, serama including high-type chickens passionate lust. He did not flinch and did not hesitate to fall in love with more big-bodied chicken. According to Johan, breeder chickens from Bekasi, serama began studying mating at the age of 3 months. Healthy young stud lover desires should be channeled as much as 6-8 times every day. Serama lust peaked when the weather is cloudy, or morning and afternoon.
Fertility serama chicken is influenced by physical health. The weather is too cold can reduce the ability of a hen to produce eggs. For most of the feed used for energy production in order to maintain body heat. So serama chickens reared in the cold regions must obtain the feed with high carbohydrate content. Such as corn.
As an additional dish, Rudi always presents an additional menu of crickets, and bean sprouts to the chickens. Every week once Rudi also gives the chicken vitamin E.
Another practical way is by Albert Tan Swee Guan serama chicken farmer from Selangor, Malaysia. He never gave an additional menu to the chicken exotic pets. According to the bespectacled man, the feed of laying hens is sufficient. The factory has been dispensing the feed such that in accordance with the necessary nutritional needs chicken. Albert always give feed 2 times a day to the chicken. Ie in the morning and evening around 8 o'clock. "It has been reviewed in accordance Chiken feed for chicken, so you do not suck for anything more," explained the man with the accent wither.
Eggs failed to hatch including one barrier serama chicken farming. Two important keys that can not be forgotten when incubate chicken eggs serama namely temperature and humidity. Incubation temperature should not exceed or is less than 37.5 ° C - 38 ° C. Humidity should always be tailored to the age of eggs. The first week up to week two humidity is set at around 65% - 70%. 2-3 days before hatching, the humidity should be added to the range of 95% - 100%. The degree of humidity can be measured with Hygro meters. This tool is usually already exists on the appliance brooders. Conditions are too dry eggshells make so hard. Consequently chicks difficulty breaking the eggshell. If it's like that, chicks can suffocate because could not breathe.
In the arena of competition, may appear prima serama chicken if lust is peaking. Therefore, a week before taking part kotes he should not be seeing the opposite sex. So put your serama in isolated places. Generally serama lust peaked at age 4-6 months.
Serama chicken feathers that are too frequent mating is often damaged. When a female likes to flirt serama set her boyfriend's neck fur. As a result, many wiring feathers that come off so serama males become bald. This can be prevented by banning serama male dating prior achievement.
Besides should not marry, chicken serama seed also should not be too social. He is banned too often playing in the yard diumbar alias. According to Gustavo M. Taufik, who often diumbar chicken will take a bath of sand or a craftsman. Well, that's what triggered fur so matted, broken, and the color is dull. Bathroom scales can also make sand dislodged and broken leg. Even more dangerous, feared the chicken will eat the harmful objects. Such as broken glass, and rubber. "Chicken I've suddenly limp. Then after I cut it turns out there belingnya in its crop, "said Rudi serama one of the pioneers of chicken in this country.
Chicken serama also must be trained to concentrate in order to perform excellent on stage. He may not fix the carpet or run away from the stage. So this dwarf chickens should not grow weary while stylish and crowed loudly over the paint walk.
How to train mentally serama not difficult. Approximately 2-3 weeks before the contest he had familiarized with stage carpeted. Moisten chicken with a tiny piece of cloth. After that, put on the table are given the green carpet. Why should the green carpet? Because the object is often mistaken for grasses. So if when he was often deceived by the practice green carpet, is expected during the stage race set-averse he matok carpet again. Let serama not blurred, close to the cage. After that position the table in hot exercise.
After dried chicken should not be directly given to drink. If it is violated, the chicken can be hit by the disease snoring. Her face suddenly turned bright white. Place the chicken in advance that after dried in the shade for 15-30 minutes. Well, after that new chicken may be straightened glass of fresh water.
Serama wajip eat food portion fitted with a menu of extra nutrition. Vitamin E, phosphorus and calcium is very important to take care of hair beauty. Vitamin E are found mainly in fish oil. While there are a lot of calcium and phosphorus in cuttlefish skin aka squid. Extra fooding it must be served every day.
Problem serama food menu, Rudi had a prescription telling a decent copy. Every morning he always gives mixed drinks Enervon C to seramanya. These ingredients must be exhausted to drink and should not be exposed to the sun. Therefore, the properties can be lost. Menu full of other nutrients that he suguhkan ie 3 tail crickets and Kroto. Corn should not be served in excess. For serama that eating too much corn can quickly experience hair loss.
In addition to attractive appearance, serama also must have a body weight as possible. So, the diet must be closely monitored. Avoid giving food that contain lots of fat. 3 days before the race, disuguh serama chicken brown rice or grain. Portions simply 2-3 tablespoons only. Menu was given 2 times a day. Namely in the morning and afternoon.